

Report from the edge

Developed in 4 different European cities (Rotterdam, Madrid, Turin and Milan), the project “Report from the edge of the city” wants to explore a methodology to master the urban change starting from the exploration of the geographic limits of those cities and make a comparative analysis among those examples. 

The project proposes documentary photography as a reading tool for contemporary territorial identity and a visual evidence of how the habits, the use of a territory and its economy may affect and shape those spaces at the margins. In this perspective, the photographic analysis becomes the study material for producing knowledge and new ideas that can be integrated into the processes of planning and policymaking, also through the establishment of long-term partnerships with experts and professionals from different disciplines as well as urban centers and partner institutions in those four cities. In this context, the collective Urban Reports presents itself as the platform for developing, gathering, and sharing the knowledge produced.

Alessandro Guida, 2017


The waiting city


Il Corviale